নাম/Name: Ababil Rahman
ইমেইল/email : ababil_rahman@yahoo.com
কর্মক্ষেত্র/ Specialty
General Surgery
বর্তমান কর্মস্থল/ Current working place
WA health Perth Australia
পরিবার/ Family info
Happily Married with children
Music gardening exercise
অবসর কাটে/ What do you do during your leisure time?
Spend quality time with family
ভালোবাসি/ I love to do…
Help people as much as possible
কলেজের প্রিয় মুহূর্তহূ / Favorite moment of the college life
A lot I guess, concerts, study tours, great study partners, good friends. I am really grateful for this foundation.
স্বপ্ন / dream
Want to build an inclusive ‘no bully’ workplace
আমি ২৬তম তাই/ I’m from batch 26th, so..
Still feel like 26year old, lol.
মন্তব্য/ Any comments
‘Be less curious about people, more curious about ideas.’